Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Library
Library and ArchivesKnowledge technology

Course reserves (Textbooks)

What is it?

Course Reserves service is designed to support teaching and learning, by providing access to all academic materials listed by professors in their courses’ online programs. Bocconi Library Course Reserves service has a digital-first policy: we preferably purchase resources in electronic format in order to ensure access to all study materials for students and faculty, both on campus and from home.

What if a digital version of a textbook is not available?

If digital versions of titles required for exams cannot be purchased, print volumes will be purchased and made available to users in a special open-shelf collection in the Library: the Course Reserves (Textbooks) Collection. You can browse our online Course Reserves (Textbooks) from our Library website, clicking Course Reserves (Textbooks) right under the search box in the middle of the homepage.

Where is it located? And how do I recognize it?

Volumes placed in the Course Reserves (Textbooks) Collection have special call numbers and follow a color-coding scheme to make them easy to find: all adopted texts have red stickers on their spines, while recommended readings are placed, according to the corresponding classification scheme, in the Reading Rooms. They can be easily identified by green-colored stickers.

In the Library Course Reserves (Textbooks) Collection will I find all required titles?

To better support our community of students and faculty, the Library makes sure, every academic year at the beginning of the semester, that our Course Reserves (Textbooks) Collection is up-to-date and that the volumes are still in good condition.

How can I see if required textbooks are available at the Library?

From the Library website and using our search engine SearchLib, you can search textbooks for a course by professor, code or name of the course, and check for their availability online or in the Library Reading rooms. After signing in with your Bocconi credentials, you can download, read online or borrow textbooks. For more information, you can contact the Library team at the Library Information Desk during opening hours or write an email to: infobiblio@unibocconi.it.

Last update: Friday, May 17, 2024