Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Library
Library and ArchivesKnowledge technology

Library Workshops

Need to find academic articles, books and data for your research?
Doubts on writing a bibliography for your thesis?
Are you a faculty member interested in organising a class session on specific resources?

Bocconi Library offers a program of workshops for students and is available for organising on demand workshops upon request from Faculty members.

Where do workshops take place?

Online workshops take place on Blackboard.
In-presence workshops take place in Library room 111, on the first floor of the Library (Gobbi 5), or in the Financial Markets Data Room (Roentgent 1).
All workshops are interactive: therefore, we ask you to attend the online workshops from a place where you can talk.

How to book?

Through your yoU@B Student Diary.

Workshops are confirmed with a minimum of 4 participants. You will receive a confirmation email the day before the workshop.

Upcoming Workshops

The workshop offers a comprehensive overview on the search tools available to browse our collections and accessing documents. At the end of the course, you will be able to set up an effective research strategy and get the most out of our library tools, in particular our new search tool SearchLib.

These workshops are organized by subject area, as specified in the table here below. If you can’t attend the workshop of your subject area, don’t worry and come to another workshop! The research method we offer can be applied across different subjects.

Upcoming Workshops

See you in September! In the meantime, we can always support you online or in person: write to us for any questions and check our libguides for immediate help on our resources and services!

The workshops are aimed at exploring different features and the add-ins of some of the databases subscribed by Bocconi Library.

Upcoming Workshops

See you in September! In the meantime, we can always support you online or in person: write to us for any questions and check our libguides for immediate help on our resources and services!

The workshops are aimed at providing the basic skills needed to correctly cite bibliographic sources when writing academic texts (final work, papers, class assignments).

Upcoming Workshops

See you in September! In the meantime, we can always support you online or in person: write to us for any questions and check our libguides for immediate help on our resources and services!

The Library offers the following workshops targeted to law students' specific needs:
Library Tools: to get an overview of the search tools to browse Library Law collections.
Databases: to explore the italian legal databases subscribed by Bocconi Library.
Citation: to master citations and bibliography for your written academic texts.

Upcoming Workshops

See you in September! In the meantime, we can always support you online or in person: write to us for any questions and check our libguides for immediate help on our resources and services!


Request a workshop

If you are a Faculty member and would like to organise a workshop tailored to your course needs, write to us. We will get back to you as soon as possible to discuss all the details.

Last update: Tuesday, April 16, 2024