Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Library
Library and ArchivesKnowledge technology

Walter Albini and Fashion in the Bocconi Historical Archives


The contribution of the Bocconi Archives to the exhibition set up at the Museo del Tessuto (Prato)

The Bocconi Historical Archives hold several archives concerning fashion in Milan and Italy, starting from the 19th-century catalogs of the Magazzini Bocconi to the archives of the Camera nazionale della moda italiana (National Chamber of Italian Fashion). It was precisely the papers of the CNMI archives that offered valuable material for the exhibition dedicated to fashion designer Walter Albini by the Museo del Tessuto in Prato < Walter Albini. The talent, the designer - Museo del Tessuto>. A video created by the Historical Archives with the scientific contribution of Elisabetta Merlo retraces the records that allow to reconstruct the figure of the fashion designer and his innovations in the light of previous historical sources.